QuantumEV's Chargers Fuel Saint John's Electric Bus Initiative

A pioneer in Canada’s EV charging market, QuantumEV backs initiatives that make renewable energy more accessible to all Canadians. The Saint John Electric Bus initiative is a major step forward in the fight against climate change, and QuantumEV played a key role in making it a success. 

By providing essential EV chargers, QuantumEV helped ensure that the Karsan eJest buses could be charged quickly and efficiently, making them a viable option for public transportation in the city. 

Let’s take a closer look at how QuantumEV's products and management system helped make the Saint John Electric Bus project a reality. 

Background on the Saint John Electric Bus Initiative

The Saint John Electric Bus initiative was launched in 2019 as part of the city's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. The key objective was introducing electric buses to the city's public transportation system and replacing all diesel by 2030.

The first two electric buses were put into service in 2020, and the city plans to add more in the coming years.

One of the biggest challenges of introducing electric buses to a city's transportation system is ensuring that there are enough charging stations to support them.  

Naturally, QuantumEV was there to help. 

QuantumEV's Role in the Saint John’s Electric Bus Initiative

Invoking its 19.2 kW AC chargers, QuantumEV offered the city of Saint John a viable solution to the challenge it faced. With these charging stations, Karsan ejest buses can be charged in a seamless and effortless manner. The reliability standards that QuantumEV upholds would ensure that the public of Saint John, NF, never has to face gaps or shortcomings in their transit experience on account of charger or battery failures.

In addition to the chargers themselves, QuantumEV also provided its QEV Connect charger management system. 

This system allows for remote configuration management, firmware updates, and user-friendly Android and iOS applications. This means that drivers can easily schedule charging sessions and receive notifications for proactive maintenance and repairs. It also provides real-time data on charging sessions, allowing for more efficient use of resources.

QuantumEV's chargers and management system provided several key benefits to the Saint John Electric Bus initiative:

Efficiency: The chargers are highly efficient, which means that the buses can be charged quickly and with minimal downtime.

Affordability: The chargers are also affordable, making them a cost-effective solution for the city.

Convenience: The QEV Connect management system makes it easy for drivers to schedule charging sessions and receive notifications for proactive maintenance and repairs.

Real-time data: The system provides real-time data on charging sessions, allowing for more efficient use of resources.

The team at QuantumEV continues to provide robust products and services that can help other initiatives across Canada.  

If you want to find out more about what we do, please reach out.